My next series focuses on the emotions and challenges parents experience while dividing their capacities between career and family. So far, I have 5 paintings in queue and am interested in adding to it! I always prefer to use real people and real experiences for my subject matter. Follow this series on my Instagram!
@carajeanmeans #nestseries
“Enough Already?”, Acrylic, 24 x 36
This self portrait represents all of the things I am balancing with my art, my marriage (now ex-marriage), my parenting, my womanhood, and my career. The expression on my face should evoke a sense of desperation, pleading and exhaustion as after all of my work I'm often left feeling that enough? Is it good? Did it work?
“Funnel”, Acrylic on Canvas
As part of my "Nest" series on parenting, KRCL DJ and co-host of RadioACTive wanted to express his desire to hear and represent the needs of Salt Lake communities and his own children at the same time.
“This Will Do”, Acrylic on Board, 24 x 30
I feel like I really leveled up with this one. Which, unfortunately, makes me think that now all the other ones look bad! This is part of the nest series and loosely based on a dream that my ex-mother-in-law had. It's about "getting caught with your pants down" or as I like to think if it, getting caught being unprepared, making a mistake, or just being awkwardly human, but choosing to gather up your responsibilities and move on with them!