My paintings that include nests focus on the emotions and challenges parents experience while dividing their capacities between career and family. The self portraits narrate my journey through divorce, parenting, dating, and rebuilding.
“In Spite of Myself”, Acrylic on Canvas, 24 x 36, $1,300
This ridiculous self-portrait and nest painting is meant to replace all of the other self-portraits I’ve painted in the past 3 years that are no longer serving me. I’m happy. I mean really really happy. I’ve ridden through a lot of places and experiences and have gotten to the point now that I don’t really need to see where I’m heading because I trust my intuition- it’s like muscle memory, like riding a bike. I know how to feel my way through and how to trust those well-earned instincts. It’s a freedom unlike no other…freedom in vulnerability.
“A Discerning Woman”, Acrylic on Board, 24 x 36, $1,300
This self portrait is about what I’ve learned about myself and others as I’ve entered the dating and career world. Fear is a primal tool that can help you and keep you safe from harm, but it also must be wielded correctly as it can chase off opportunities for personal growth. The various elements in this painting represent female empowerment, domesticity, a mother’s protective instincts, transformation and potential, hidden wealth, and a desire for peace. My facial expression should imply that I welcome new opportunities and relationships, but am not to be trifled with.
“This Will Do”, Acrylic on Board, 24 x 30, SOLD
This is part of the nest series and loosely based on a dream that my ex-mother-in-law had. It's about "getting caught with your pants down" or as I like to think if it, getting caught being unprepared, making a mistake, or just being awkwardly human, but choosing to gather up your responsibilities and move on with them!
“Enough Already?”, Self-Portrait Acrylic on Canvas, $1,200
"Enough already?" Represented all of the things I was balancing in my art, my marriage, my parenting, my womanhood, and my career. The expression on my face should evoke a sense of desperation, pleading and exhaustion as after all of my work I'm often left feeling that enough? Is it good? Did it work?
“Funnel”, Acrylic on Canvas, NFS
As part of my "Nest" series on parenting, KRCL DJ and co-host of RadioACTive wanted to express his desire to hear and represent the needs of Salt Lake communities and his own children at the same time.