Many Thanks and Hope for the Future

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I have a happy heart thinking about all of you who shared posts about my show and all of the hard work from the people over at Art Access.  My first show as a professional artist was a delight!  I'm told that 250 people attended.

I also would like to thank the good people at KRCL channel 90.9 who interviewed me in an episode of RadioActive which you can listen to here and Aley Davis for writing a piece about my husband and I in our local news which you can read and watch here.  Not only have I started the ball rolling for the journey of the GRIP series, but I have met a lot of really cool people in the process! 

What's Next?

I am hoping to take the paintings on tour to communities that could benefit from seeing them.  I am working with artist Fiona Phillips to combine her portrait paintings on the topic of Stigma with mine as a group collective.  Our works are very complimentary.  Here are a few ways you can support us in this goal:

1.  Pledge a MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION on Patreon

2.  PURCHASE Mini Print sets or make a ONE TIME DONATION in my store.

3.  If you are part of a foundation, or a group of interested people, and have access to appropriate gallery-like venues, consider HOSTING a show yourself.  Contact me and we can see what we can cook up!

4.  Most important (and it's free) is to SHARE SHARE SHARE!  Speak up about your own experiences with mental health by answering the question associated with your favorite painting somewhere public. It's amazing how one shared link on Facebook can turn into two more, and then two more....

          Twitter #gripseriespaintings Instagram and Facebook @carajeanmeans

It has been my goal all along to promote conversation, advocacy, and accountability.  Now that you've been affected by this work,

                   What will you do about it?